Author: 檸檬媽

[Flow cytometry] T cell phenotypes(T cells subsets)gating strategy

To gate in different T cell subsets, you will need to have following CD markers as below (CD Markers panel) with desired fluorochromes. By these, you can first gate CD4 and CD8 T cells and then their subsets, such as T Central Memory cells (TCM cells), T Effector Memory cells (TEM cells), T Terminal Effector cells (TTE cells), T stem cell memory, T regulatory cells (Treg cells) and Treg subsets (TregCM cells, TregEM cells and TregTE cells).


[法語兒歌] À la Pêche aux Moules 捕撈淡菜(兒歌:我有一隻小毛驢-法文版)

À la pêche aux moules, moules, moules 捕撈淡菜、淡菜、淡菜
Je ne veux plus y aller maman 我不想再去那裡了,媽媽
Les gens de la ville, ville, ville 城市的人、城市、城市
M’ont pris mon panier maman 媽媽拿了我的籃子
Les gens de la ville, ville, ville 城市的人、城市、城市
M’ont pris mon panier maman 媽媽拿了我的籃子
